The rich tapestry of life includes people, places, friends, family and ... solitude. Does that surprise you? Think of a tapestry. While it is busy and abundant, the spaces between the images make them stand out from one another. In that way, they take on more meaning. That is what solitude is in our lives.

Finding solitude at home is comforting, and personal. It allows us to develop the relationship with self. Finding solitude when traveling the world to unfamiliar places is invigorating, with so much opportunity for growth. As we walk through new landscapes, we get to meet our selves with courage, and thus deepening the confidence within. 

I came face to face with myself again as I traveled to Tarifa, Spain, a place where I had never set foot. I traveled across the globe with an open mind and heart excited for an adventure.
There, I joined a yoga retreat for eight days, hosted by Paloma Dorado and Shama Retreats. I was immersed in two daily yoga practices with an emphasis on exploring prana (life force) and the five main vayus (winds, or movement, within the human body). The classes were lead by Los Angeles-based yogi, Jeanne Heileman, also a master of subtle body work.  

My daily view (and evening view as you can see in the photos) was across the Strait of Gibraltar, and further to Northern Africa. It was a sublime experience. By leaving my routine daily environment, I found an appreciation for not only new views, but a renewed and expanded view of our world, its people, and of course, a renewed sense of self. 

How can we bring this type of discovery home, to our own backyard?

We don't always need to get on a plane or seek out an exotic locale. Creating a nurturing spot in your home surrounded with the things that you love, or finding a special spot outside amongst nature, or taking a 30-minute car ride to a yet-to-be-explored neighborhood or town, can be medicine for the soul.

And as you go on your internal journey, consider bringing the tools to engage your heart and soul -- a journal, colorful writing instruments, your favorite cards or stationery. You may find that you want to write to yourself, or want to write to people you've been wanting to connect with.  Either way, you will discover that your frame of mind while "traveling," whether locally or beyond, is expansive, and likely, you just may discover some hidden thoughts inside yourself, gems for yourself or for others.   

Here are three of my favorite journals. The Frayed Leaf Journal, Marble Swirl leather Journal and the Bindewerk Journal 

Ready? Let's go! I'm so glad we are on this journey together.


Dusting off the wedding guest book


2023 Year in review