A special mother’s day message
From the beginning of their lives, I was a mom-preneur. My children -- Simone, Dag and Odin -- have only known me as the owner of Soolip which I founded in 1995 with my late husband, Grant Forsberg. Together, we built Soolip into a mini-empire of five stores along Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood, with a store in San Francisco store at Gump's in the works.
When Grant passed away in 2007, I was left with a major decision -- either continue Soolip as a single mom-preneur of three young children, ages 4 through 12, or try to go back into the corporate fashion world where I worked before starting Soolip, and where I envisioned a less volatile life. Trust me, it was not an easy decision, particularly as latter 2007 and 2008 our economy was in shambles.
There's no surprise ending here! I had poured everything I had to realize my dreams of a paper store and creating an environment that inspired all who came in finding and rediscovering their own passions and innate creativity. I was not about to give this up.
More importantly, my children needed me more than ever. I made a promise to myself that I would parent them in the best way I knew how -- instill in them wise teachings from those who came before me, teach them the value of an open heart, inspire them to find joy in whatever life may put on their/our paths, create a structured but playful balance for our family home, and demonstrate how to respect Mother Nature and fellow human beings. It meant that every step of the way, I was present in their lives. I was determined to be a parent who could be there for my three kids – to drive them to their schools, be present for their events and extra-curricular interests, dedicate time to being outdoors together. For this, I needed to have flexibility with my work schedule.
So, I just buckled down. I needed to keep Soolip alive. And whenever I felt down and out, ready to throw in the towel, some bright light would come and knock on my door in various ways. I’m not kidding. The universe wanted to keep Soolip alive. And I believe the universe wants to keep your dream alive too!
This Mother's Day I'm taking a more personal approach and reaching out to my moms who are reading. What are your dreams and what challenges have you taken on to keep them alive? I really want to know. Let's support one another. Like that proverb says -- if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Let's go together and go farther. Send me an email with a story of a time when you as a mom overcame a challenge or found a way to realize your dream. I love hearing from you and I respond to all emails. I'll collect your stories, and, with your permission, will send them back out into the universe in a newsletter to be published the week before Mother's Day.
Here's to our story together,
Me, Simone, Dag and Odin circa 1970